Here are the steps to Update Broker in Sales/Purchases. To learn more, you can also watch this RADIX Online tutorial video:


Update Broker in Sales/Purchases

To Update Broker in Sales/Purchases in Radix, first go to the Company Menu.

1. Go to Utilities > Update Bulk Entries > Update Broker in Sales/Purchases.

2. Enter Password window will open. Here, you need to enter the password.

Please note, the password here is AUROMonthDate. For e.g. If today's date is 21 July, 2022, then your password will be AURO0721. This means your password will change everyday.

3. After entering the password, click on OK button or press Enter key.

4. Update Broker window will open. Select details here such as:

       Account - Press F4 key and select the account in which you want to update broker, from the list displayed.

       Broker - Press F4 key and select the broker account, from the list displayed.

5. After entering all the details, click on OK button or press Enter key.

6. When Radix prompts, 'Broker Changed...! Replace Broker Code In...'; here select from the given options:

       None - Select this option to cancel replacing broker code in Sales/Purchases.

       Sales - Select this option to replace broker in all Sales invoices of this account.

       Purchase - Select this option to replace broker in all Purchases invoices of this account.

       Both - Select this option to replace broker in both Sales & Purchase invoices of this account.

7. On selecting Sales or Purchase or Both option, Radix will again prompt, 'Replace Broker Code Which Is...'; here select from the given options:

       None - Select this option to cancel replacing broker code in Sales/Purchases.

       Not Empty - Select this option to replace with this broker if another broker is already entered in the invoice.

       Empty - Select this option to replace broker in only such invoices where broker is not entered.

       Both - Select this option to replace broker in both the above cases.

8. Broker will get updated in Sales/Purchases as per the selected criteria.

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1. Open Company