• It helps user to config various sales / purchase option like inquiry, challan, order etc.

    1. Open an existing company following Open Company.
    2. Click "Utilities" from menu-bar & select Settings > Co. Configuration from drop-down list.
    3. A multiple tab "Company Configuration" window will open. 
    4. Click on "Sales/Purchase" Tab & following window will appear.

 Sales Options

 Enable inquiries

 If you enable this option it will be seen at Transactions > Sales > Enquiry.

 Enable challans

 If you enable this option it will be seen at Transactions > Sales > Challan.

 Enable orders

 If you enable this option it will be seen at Transactions > Sales > Order.

 Update Order using

 Select how you want to update order.

 Purchase Options

 Enable challans

 If you enable this option it will be seen at Transactions > Purchase > Challan.

 Enable orders

 If you enable this option it will be seen at Transactions > Purchase > Order.

 Update Order using

 Select how you want to update order.

    1. Click OK button after making necessary changes.