How to View/ Print Stock Flow?

      • Go to Reports > Inventory > Stock Flow and press Enter Key.
      • Enter Group Code & Sub Group Code if required or leave blank, Press enter key.


Mention time period between which you wish to view report


Y: To view report based on primary unit selected under Item Master

N: Not to view report based on primary unit selected under Item Master

Unit (U.1, U.2, U.3)

Y: To view Unit in report mentioned in Item Master

N: Not to view Unit in report mentioned in Item Master


1: To view report for Sales Items only

2: To view report for Purchase Items only

3: To view report for both Sales & Purchase Items

4: To view report for Non Moving Items only ( Items with no transactions under mentioned period)

Blank: To view report for all Items





Space: ALL


Purchase Rate

Sales Rate

Closing Rate


To count valuation on Purchase Rate

To count valuation on Sales Rate

To count valuation on Closing Rate

Not to calculate valuation

Valuation of

Opening Stock

Received Stock

Issued Stock

Closing Stock

To calculate valuation of opening stock

To calculate valuation of received stock

To calculate valuation of issued stock

To calculate valuation of closing stock





For Item Code wise listing

For Item Name wise listing

For Item Group wise listing

      • Enter criteria to view Report, press Enter Key.
      • Select Printing options & Press Enter Key to view report.

[ * PrchRt  : Inward Rate (How to Add/ Edit Item?)     SaleRt : Outward Rate  (How to Add/ Edit Item?)       Closing Rate: Cl Rate (How to Add/ Edit Item?) ]