Here are the steps for Valuation of Stock Report. To learn more, you can also watch this RELY Online tutorial video:

Valuation of Stock Report

To view Valuation of Stock report in Rely, first select the desired company.

1. To view valuation of stock, first we need to get the average rate for that items. Go to Reports > Inventory > Average Rate and press Enter key.

2. Enter details here such as:

       Give Book Code - Select the day-book from here. By default, Purchases day-book will be displayed here. However, you can change it.

       Period - Enter the date here.

       Item Code - To view report for any particular item, enter the item name here. To view report for all items, leave blank and press Enter key.

Item Group - To view report for any particular item group, enter the item group name here. To view report for all item groups, leave blank and press Enter key.

3. Once all the details are selected/entered, press Enter - Enter and report will be generated according to the selected criteria. Average Rate of items will be displayed.

4. Press ESC key twice.

5. When Rely prompts, "Want to Replace Average Rate with Closing Rate?", select Yes option here and press Enter key.

6. Rely will again prompt, "Replace Closing Rate?", here, to update closing rate in all items, select All Rates option. To only update items with zero closing rate, select If Rate = 0 option and press Enter key.

7. Press ESC-ESC.

8. Closing Rate can also be entered manually from Item Masters. For this, go to Master > Item > Add/Edit and press Enter key. Select the item in which closing rate needs to be updated and then enter the value in Closing Rate field. Once done, save the item details.

1. Now, to view Valuation of Stock Report, go to Reports > Inventory > Valuation of Stock > From Item Rate and press Enter key.

2. Enter details here such as:

       Group - To view report for any particular item group, enter the item group name here. To view report for all item groups, leave blank and press Enter key.

Sub Group - To view report for any particular sub group, enter the item sub group name here. To view report for all sub groups, leave blank and press Enter key.

       As on Date - Enter the date till which you want to view the report.

Valuation - To calculate valuation on Sales Rate, select Sales Rate option. To calculate valuation on Purchase Rate, select Purchase Rate option. To calculate valuation on Closing Rate, select Closing Rate option.

Once all the details are entered/selected, press Enter key.

3. In Device: To only view the report, select Screen option.

To view and print the report, select File option.

To directly print the report without viewing, select Printer option.

To exit from here, select Exit option.

4. Report will be generated according to the selected criteria. To print the report, press ESC key and select Print option.

5. To view the report in any other format such as word, Excel, etc; select Send To option and press Enter key and then select the format.

6. To exit, press ESC key.

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1. Open Company