Other: To do other settings such as Group Help, Bank Help etc.

    • Move cursor to “Utilities” menu, press Enter Key.
    • Move cursor to “Setup”, press Enter Key.
    • Move cursor to “Other”, press Enter Key.
    • A list of criteria will appear, Press “Y”if you want particular setup or “N”if you do not want that criteria.

    1. Group Help: To get group help while entering new.
    2. Suppress Qt.in help: Not to display item balance in Help
    3. Enable colorful help: To display different colors for debtors, creditors
    4. Small chr.in Qly nm: To view small alphabet characters in item name.
    5. Trf entry on save: To transfer entry to another company on saving.
    6. Alert on negative stock: To set alert on negative stock
    7. Show O/S in Sales/Purchase: To display O/S status in Sales/Purchase Editing screen
    8. Freeze Amount: To lock amount to fill manually in Sales/Purchase.( Freeze: Ctrl+Enter & Unfreeze: Total “SURE”)
    9. Bill by Bill Adjust: To set bill by bill payment receipt adjustment in books.
    10. Credit Limit On: To set Credit limits on debtors or creditors.
      • B: To Set credit limit on Balance
      • T: To set credit limit on Turn Over.
    1. No.of rate of decimals: No.of decimal points to be used for Sales/Purchase.
    2. Roundoff Amt.PerXYZ:
    3. Roundoff Amt.PQRABCD:
    4. Order Type: To enter order Groupwise, Partywise or flat.(0= Groupwise, 1= Partywise, 2= Flat)
    5. Short% on finished mtr: To calculate shortage % on Finished meter in Purchase Other
    6. Show A/c Master Rem: To show account master remarks in Sales/Purchase.
    7. Repl Screen Name: To replace screen name in Remark-2
    8. Unique Voucher System: To set unique voucher no. Cash/ Bank book/ Petty cash book.
    9. Bank Help: To display bank help i.e. Bank name
    10. Ask for change or JV: To enable prompt message for
    11. Continue Voucher No.: To continue voucher no.with cSal & cPur
    12. Alert on -cash balance: To set alert on negative cash balance
    13. Consider RG in disc%: To consider Return goods while calculating discount in Bank/ Cash Receipt/ Payment
    14. Process Challan Ptg: To activate Process challan printing from Grey Issue Module
    15. Takawise Fin Receipt: To set prompt message for
    16. Taka Identification: To set Taka Identification No.in Grey Issue Entry module.
    17. Disp data on Print: To show data on output device while printing
    18. Holiday: To set holiday for week.
    19. Manual LF: To set manual LF No.
    20. Auto Interest JV: To pass JV automatically after viewinginterest calculation summary.
    21. Enable CENVAT: To enable VAT
    22. Enable V.A.T.: To enable VAT for a particular company.
      • Enable Itemwise VAT: To enable Itemwise VAT for a particular company.
      • VAT effect S/P/C: To enable VAT on Sales/ Purchase/ Capital Goods.
    1. Enable Sales Tax Form: To enable Sales tax form
    2. Enable Phone Book: To see phone book by pressing Ctrl+Tab
    3. Order Clr in same book: To clear order in same book code in Sale.
    4. Qly filter in o.help: To set quality filter in order help while making entry in Sale.
    5. RoundEff(AssVal): To set round effect on Assessed Value.
    6. TDS Store in Round: To save TDS data by rounding off.
      • 0: To keep actual data
      • 1:  To round off final total only
        • 0:  If the number after decimal point is >/= 5, it is rounded upto the next whole number & If the number after decimal point is <5, it is rounded upto the previous whole number. eg. 25.345 will be 25 & 25.575 will be 26
        • 1: To round off the amount to next whole number by truncating the decimal numbers.eg. 25.575 will be 25
        • 2: To round off the amount to previous whole number by truncating the decimal numbers.eg. 25.575 will be 25
      • 2: To round off at every stage.
        • 0:  If the number after decimal point is >/= 5, it is rounded upto the next whole number & If the number after decimal point is <5, it is rounded upto the previous whole number. eg. 25.345 will be 25 & 25.575 will be 26
        • 1: To round off the amount to next whole number by truncating the decimal numbers.eg. 25.575 will be 25
        • 2: To round off the amount to previous whole number by truncating the decimal numbers.eg. 25.575 will be 25
    1. Remark Cont in Entry: To continue last entry remarks in Sale/ Purchase/Cash/ Bank Entry.
    2. Party+Item Rate: To do Party-wise & Itemwise rate setup.
    3. Password for Deletion: Enter password while deleting company
    4. Ask Password for Deletion: To set password for deleting
    5. Want to Set Rate: To set rate for
      • S: To set rate for Sales book
      • C:To set rate for Credit Note book
      • P:To set rate for Purchase book
      • D:To set rate for Debit Note book

A pop up window will appear, set rate as per requirement

    1. Change Line Item C/F Set: To change carried forward previous values settings of Line Items of Sale/Purchase Entry.
    2. C/F Line Item Disc.: To carry forward Line Item discount details from previous book.
    3. Set Brokerage Payment: To set mode of brokerage payment
    4. Password Closing/Undo: To prompt password to pass closing entry or to undo closing entry.
    5. Set limit on due days: To set due days for payment for a particular party.
    6. 0: To set alert on crossing due days limit
    7. 1:  To stop payment on crossing due days limit