Here are the steps to Update Masters To Other Company. To learn more, you can also watch this RADIX Online tutorial video:


Update Masters To Other Company

To Update Masters To Other Company in Radix, first go to the Company Menu.

1. Go to Utilities > Import Data > Update Masters To Other Company.

2. Update Data in Other Companies window will open. Select details here such as:

       Master Entry - Select the master you want to update in other companies from the list of options displayed.

GL Group - Select All option to update all the general ledger groups in other companies, otherwise to update only selected general ledger groups, select IN option, press F4 key and then tick and select from the list of options displayed.

Account - Select All option to update all the accounts in other companies, otherwise to update only selected accounts, select IN option, press F4 key and then tick and select from the list of options displayed.

Company - Select All option to update masters in all the other companies, otherwise to update masters in selected companies only, select IN option, press F4 key and then tick and select from the list of options displayed.

Item Group - Select All option to update all the item groups in other companies, otherwise to update only selected item groups, select IN option, press F4 key and then tick and select from the list of options displayed.

Items - Select All option to update all the items in other companies, otherwise to update only selected items, select IN option, press F4 key and then tick and select from the list of options displayed.

Item Screen - Select All option to update all the item screens in other companies, otherwise to update only selected item screens, select IN option, press F4 key and then tick and select from the list of options displayed.

Item Sub Screen - Select All option to update all the item sub screens in other companies, otherwise to update only selected item sub screens, select IN option, press F4 key and then tick and select from the list of options displayed.

       All Group Company - To update masters in all the companies of this group, tick here.

       Company having same Accounting Year - To update masters in all the companies having same financial year, tick here.

       Selected Companies - To update masters in selected companies only, tick here and then select from the list of options displayed.

3. After selecting the criteria, click on Update button.

4. When Radix prompts, 'Are you sure to update data'; here click on Yes button.

5. Radix will again prompt, 'Data update successfully'; here click on OK button. Masters will get updated in other companies as per the selected criteria. 

6. Click on Close button.

Related Topics:

1. Open Company