Here are the steps for Warehouse Stock Transfer. To learn more, you can also watch this RADIX Online tutorial video:

Warehouse Stock Transfers

For Warehouse Stock Transfer in RADIX, select the desired company.

1. Go to Utilities > Settings > Co-Configuration

2. Company Configuration form will open. Here, click on Items tab. 

3. In Stock, tick on Maintain Warehouse Wise Stock option. 

4. In Get Warehouse In, you can select where you want to view Warehouse field in Sales, Purchase and Inventory.

5. Once done, click on Save button. Your Warehouse settings will be done.

6. Now, go to Transactions > Inventory > Stock Transfers.

7. Stock Transfer entry form will open. Enter details here such as:

Date - Select the date of stock transfer here.

From Warehouse - Press F4 key and select the warehouse from which you want to transfer stock.

To Warehouse - Press F4 key and select the warehouse to which you want to transfer stock.

Item - Press F4 or Space-bar key and select the item, for which you want to transfer the stock, from the list of items displayed.

       Transfer Pcs/Cut/Mts - Enter the value to be transferred in the respective field on which you maintain Item Stock.

8. After entering all the details, click on Save button. Your Stock Transfer entry will be done.

9. New button will be activated. To do another transfer, click on New button and start again with step 4.

Related Topics:

1. Stock Transfer Details Report

2. Create Warehouse