Here are the steps to Setup ReflecrR Mobile Application in Radix. To learn more, you can also watch this on-line tutorial video:


ReflecrR Mobile Application Setup Process in Radix

       Step 1: Radix Software and Selection

      1. Open Radix Software and click on the F7-Backup option in the main menu.
      2. In the Backup window, there's a tab for ReflectR in the third position. Click on it.
      3. If you are setting up ReflectR for the first time, you'll receive an alert asking to start ReflectR services. Respond with "Yes."
      4. Tick the check boxes next to the two companies you want to see in the ReflectR application and save.
      5. Within a few hours, these two companies will be reflected in the ReflectR application.

Step 2: Application Download and Login 

If you have an Android device, open the Play Store, or if you have an iOS device, open the App Store. Search for ReflectR and download the application. Afterward, enter your registered mobile number and login using the OTP.

Adding a New User in ReflectR Mobile Application

Add User Number 

        1. Login with your registered number. On the ReflectR home page, click on the symbol with three dots next to ReflectR or on the home button.  
        2. Click on Company/User and then click on "Add Mobile No."
        3. Enter the mobile number and save it.

Give Access to User Number 

In the Company/User menu, turn on the toggle switch next to the mobile number to grant access.

Changing Company or Adding a New Year Company in ReflectR Mobile Application

Step 1 - In ReflectR Mobile Application

        1. In the ReflectR application, click on the menu or the symbol with dots on the left side.
        2. Click on Company/User and delete the unwanted company by clicking on the delete button next to it. This removes the company from the ReflectR application's company list.

Step 2 - In Radix on your PC

        1. Open Radix Software and click on the F7-Backup option in the main menu.
        2. Click on the ReflectR tab, which is the third option.
        3. Deselect or untick the company you deleted from ReflectR and select the new company you want to add. Then click on the SAVE button. 

                                        After some time, when you check the ReflectR mobile application, you'll see the newly added company in the company list.


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