Here are the steps to Create a New Company. To learn more, you can also watch this RADIX Online tutorial video:

To create a New Company in Radix,

    1. After logging in to the Radix Main Menu, Click on the ‘F3 New Company' option from the sidebar

      (Alternatively, you can also press the F3 key or go to Company > New company (Ctrl + N)  from the horizontal menu bar).

    1. The form of  "Company Group to Open Company" will open. There will be a list of firm group names and codes provided. Select your desired company group, from which you want to create a new company. 

         In case, if you have only one company group, then list of all the companies from that group will be displayed directly

    1. After clicking on the company group, click the OK button or press the Enter key.
    2. The ‘Company Information - New Company to Create Company’ form will open. 
    3. There you have a horizontal menu bar displaying the options to fill in the details.
    4. A detailed summary of such options has been listed below: 

General Details: 

      • Code - Enter your company code here.( For your ease, you can set company code as per financial year for e.g. XYZ2425 for financial year 2024-2025, ABC2425 for financial year 2024-2025, etc. )
      • Name - Enter your company's full name here.
      • Accounting Year - Enter your company's financial accounting year here.You can choose to fill in the other details or leave them blank and proceed.

Address Details:   Navigate to the  2. Address tab and fill in your company's address details, including:

      • Address
      • City
      • Country
      • Phone
      • Mobile
      • PIN (Postal Code)

Setup Options: Move to the 3. Setup tab and choose your preferred setup option:

      • Setup from existing Company: Use this if you want to apply the same settings from an existing company to your new company.
      • Build own with predefined settings: Use this if you want to create new settings for your company.

Other Tabs: Explore other tabs and fill in any additional details as required.

7. After entering all the necessary details, click the Save button. Your company will be created successfully.

Related Topics:

1. Open Company

2. Company Group