New Company
Here are the steps to Create a New Company. To learn more, you can also watch this RADIX Online tutorial video:
To create a New Company in Radix,
- After logging in to the Radix Main Menu, Click on the ‘F3 New Company' option from the sidebar.
(Alternatively, you can also press the F3 key or go to Company > New company (Ctrl + N) from the horizontal menu bar).
- The form of "Company Group to Open Company" will open. There will be a list of firm group names and codes provided. Select your desired company group, from which you want to create a new company.
In case, if you have only one company group, then list of all the companies from that group will be displayed directly.
- After clicking on the company group, click the OK button or press the Enter key.
- The ‘Company Information - New Company to Create Company’ form will open.
- There you have a horizontal menu bar displaying the options to fill in the details.
- A detailed summary of such options has been listed below:
General Details:
- Code - Enter your company code here.( For your ease, you can set company code as per financial year for e.g. XYZ2425 for financial year 2024-2025, ABC2425 for financial year 2024-2025, etc. )
- Name - Enter your company's full name here.
- Accounting Year - Enter your company's financial accounting year here.You can choose to fill in the other details or leave them blank and proceed.
Address Details: Navigate to the 2. Address tab and fill in your company's address details, including:
- Address
- City
- Country
- Phone
- Mobile
- PIN (Postal Code)
Setup Options: Move to the 3. Setup tab and choose your preferred setup option:
- Setup from existing Company: Use this if you want to apply the same settings from an existing company to your new company.
- Build own with predefined settings: Use this if you want to create new settings for your company.
Other Tabs: Explore other tabs and fill in any additional details as required.
7. After entering all the necessary details, click the Save button. Your company will be created successfully.
Related Topics:
1. Open Company