Account Ledger ODCB Report

To generate Account Ledger Report in Rely, first select the desired company.

1. Go to Reports > Ledger > ODCB and press Enter key.

2. Select any one from them "Ledger to Print" or "Ledger to e-Mail"

       "Ledger to Print" - Select this option to print ledger on screen.

       "Ledger to e-Mail" - Select this option to e-mail ledger party wise individual.

3. Report criteria form will open.Enter details here such as:

       Period - Select the date range for which you want to generate the report.

Report Type - To view ledger of all the accounts, select Full option. To view ledger of a particular group such as Creditor, Debtor, etc; select Group option. To send confirmation ledger to any party, select Confirmation option.  

                     To view ledger for selected accounts only, select Selected option.

Account - Select the account for which you want to view the ledger by pressing Enter key. Once all the desired accounts are selected, press ESC key. Your selected accounts will be displayed, now press Enter key.

New Account On - To view different account ledger on separate page, select New option, otherwise select Same option.

Remarks - To view remarks entered in the invoice, select Double option, otherwise select Single option.

Ledger with 0 Amount Entry ? - Enter Y here, if you want to view 0 amount entry in the report, otherwise go with N exclude 0 amount entry.

Broker - Select All option here, if you want to generate report for all the brokers, otherwise for any particular broker, select Selected option and then select the broker.

Area - Select All option here, if you want to generate report for all the areas, otherwise for any particular area, select Selected option and then select the area.

Options - Press Plus/Minus (+/-) keys to select or deselect any option and then press Enter key.

If you select Report Type - Full or Group then LF No. option will be active there with some options like (Start from 1, Actual, Manual, None)  

Once all the details are entered/selected, press Enter key.

4. In Device: To only view the report, select Screen option.

To view and print the report, select File option.

To directly print the report without viewing, select Printer option.

To exit from here, select Exit option.

5. Report will be generated according to the selected criteria. To print the report, press ESC key and select Print option else        

6. To view the report in any other format such as word, Excel, etc; select Send To option and press Enter key and then select the format.

7. To exit, press ESC key.

If you selected the "Ledger to e-Mail" option then:

          • You will see a list of parties to whom you can send the e-mail.
          • Select the desired parties from this list.
          • Press the F9 key to send the e-mail to all selected parties.
          • The e-mail will include the report as a PDF file attachment.
          • Press Yes to send the e-Mails or No to Cancel e-Mails