Books: To Setup Different accounts under books.

    • Move cursor to “Utilities” menu, press Enter Key.
    • Move cursor to “Setup”, press Enter Key.
    • Move cursor to “Books”, press Enter Key.
    • Tick the books of account you want to view.
    • For Sales & Purchase related books, select the book & press Enter key.
    • A drop-down list will appear, with any or all of the following, select the required field & set the desired criteria.
      • Rounding Off:
        • None: To keep the actual amount with decimal points. eg. 25.3456 will be 25.3456
        • Normal: If the number after decimal point is >/= 5, it is rounded upto the next whole number & If the number after decimal point is <5, it is rounded upto the previous whole number. eg. 25.345 will be 25 & 25.575 will be 26
        • Minus: To round off the amount to previous whole number by truncating the decimal 25.575 will be 25
        • Plus: To round off the amount to next whole number by truncating the decimal 25.575 will be 26

      • Formulae: To Setup Sales Invoice Formula To Count using Gross Value or other code values( Press F3 for Help)
      • PB Adj Names: To assign Post bill adjustments
      • Field Setup: To view particular fields in the book of accounts.
        • Field Setup for Sales/Purchase Book: Tick/Untick by pressing "+/-". Unticking will not show the fields in the module during operation. Some of the fields are As follow:

Challan No., Challan Date, Delivery Code, Accounts Remarks 1, Accounts Remarks 2, Invoice Rem.1, Invoice Rem2, Broker, Due Date, Amount Other, O.L.B.P., Col/Row Head, Percentage, Adj.Amy.1-3, PB Amt.(A-D), Big Display, Method 2, Qly Help, Ask-Rate, Disc.Qly etc. Ticking the option will display it in module while making entry & unticking will not display.

      • Bill Type: To select type of bill.
        • Texturizing
        • Sizing
        • Weaving
      • Terms & Cond: To enter terms & conditions in the bill
      • Inv.Header: To enter header in invoice.
      • Inv Qly Head: To enter Quality Heads in invoice.