How to View/ Print Average Rate of various qualities?

      • Go to Reports > Inventory > Average Rate and press Enter Key.
      • Enter Book Code, Press Enter key.


Mention time period between which you wish to view report

All Unit?

Y: To view all units of item mentioned under item master

N: Not to view all units of item mentioned under item master


Y: To view monthly average rate

N: To view overall average rate

Include Item Opening?

Y: To include opening balance with opening value in report

N: Not to include opening balance in report

Item Code

Enter Item Code

Item Group

Enter Item Group

Item SubGroup

Enter Item SubGroup

      • Enter criteria to view Report, press Enter Key.
      • Select Printing options & Press Enter Key to view report.
      • On pressing Esc key while exiting the report, a message will appear " Are you want to replace Average rate with Closing rate?".
      • Press "Yes" to replace & update average rate with closing rate. or press "No".