Here are the steps for Bill by bill Adjustment. To learn more, you can also watch this RELY Online tutorial video:

To perform Bill-by-Bill Adjustments in Rely, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Company: Begin by selecting the desired company for which the adjustment will be made.
  2. Go to Utilities > Bill by Bill Adjustment and press the Enter key.
  3. Select Debtors to adjust against receipts.
    • A summary of outstanding amounts will appear.
    • In the Clr column, use the shortcut ALT + F to search for bills that are adjusted (Y) or unadjusted (X).
    • Choose the party whose bills you want to adjust and press the Enter key.
    • The selected party's list of unadjusted invoices will be displayed. Press Enter on the invoice you wish to adjust.
    • All corresponding receipt or payment entries will be shown. Select the entry you want to adjust and press Enter key.
    • Enter the amount you want to adjust and press Enter key to confirm the adjustment.
    • To adjust more invoices, use the Down Arrow key to navigate through the receipt/payment entries. Repeat the process to adjust the entries one by one.

Related Topics:

1. Creditors

2. Auto O.S. Adjustment