1. How to view ledger accounts in T format with Debit on left/ Credits on right?

      • Go to Reports > Ledger > Debit/Credit and press Enter key.
      • Enter criteria, select options by pressing "+" or "-" keys or Space bar key.
      • Press Enter key after selecting options.


Report Type

Full : To view a full report of all companies & items with option for "L.F.No."(Ledgerfolio No.)

Group : To view report of a particular group

Confrmtn: To view report with a message

Selected: To view report of a particular party or parties. To select multiple parties, move cursor to parties & press Enter key. Press Esc after selecting desired parties.

Group ( For Group type report)

Enter Group Code

Letter No. ( For Confrmtn type report)

Enter letter no.of the saved letters of which message you need to show

New A/C on

Same: To continue new account on same page

New: To continue new account on New page.


Single: Not to display details

Double: To display remarks

Print Sign

Y: To print sign in the report

N: Not to print sign in the report

Book Name

Y: To show book name in the report

N: Not to show book name in the report

LF No.

Start From 1: To start Ledger Folio No.from 1

Actual: To view actual Ledger Folio No.

Manual: To manually enter Ledger Folio No

None: Not to show Ledger Folio No.

Ledger amount with 0 amount entry

Y: To include ledger with 0 amount entry

N: Not to include ledger with 0 amount entry

      • Select Printing options & press Enter Key to view report.