Here are the steps to Create Col-Row Heading. To learn more, you can also watch this RELY Online tutorial video:

Create Col-Row Heading

To create Col-Row Heading in Rely, first select the desired company.

1. Go to Master > Col-Row Headings > Add/Edit and press Enter key.

2. Select the transaction type from the list.

3. Then, select the day-book in which you want to create the Col-Row Heading.

4. All the Col-Row Heading entries will be displayed. Go to the last Col-Row Heading code and press Down Arrow key.

5. Here, type the name of the Col-Row Heading you want to create.

6. Next, account name, type the name of the account and press Page Down key and select the accounts from the list displayed and press Enter key.

7. Your Col-Row Heading will be created. Press ESC key.

8. To see how to use Col-Row Heading in day-book, go to Transaction > Purchase > Purchase Expenses and press Enter key.

9. Make a purchase expense entry, select account, item and its rate.

10. Then press ESC key, your cursor will automatically be at Col-Row Head field.

11. Press Space-bar key twice, list of all the Col-Row Headings will be displayed. Select the code you want and press Enter key.

12. Save the Purchase expense entry. This is how you can create and use Col-Row Heading in Day-books.

Related Topics:

1. Edit Col-Row Heading

2. Delete Col-Row Heading