How to view Account List or Label Print or Ledger Index?

      • Go to Other Reports > Account List/Label Print and press Enter key.
      1. Select “Report Type” as follow & press Enter key.
        1. Label Printing: For Printing Labels with Account Name, Address & Phone No.
        2. Accounts Listing: To view list of accounts with Address, PAN & Account Balance.
        3. Ledger Index: To view list of ledger accounts with LF No. & Account balance.

Report Order




To view report Group-wise

To view report in alphabetical order

To view report Area-wise/ Broker-wise

Print Balance?

Y: To print Account balance in report

N: Not to print Account balance in report

Print Lines?

Y: To print horizontal lines between each account name in report

N: Not to print horizontal lines between each account name in report

Print PAN?

Y: To print PAN in report

N: Not to print PAN in report

Only Bal A/Cs?

Y: To print accounts with balance only

N: To print all accounts


Enter Group Code. Press "Tab" for Group help





To print Full address

To print Single line address only

Not to print address

      1. Select other criteria as per requirement & press Enter key.
      2. Select Printing options & press Enter Key to view report.