1. Move cursor to "Zoom" Menu, press Enter Key.

    1. Move cursor to "2. Monthly-S.P.", press Enter Key.

    1. A new window will open showing Monthly Sale/Purchase Zoom as shown below.

    1. Select details here such as:

Period - Select the time period for which you want to view the report.

Type - Select Sales option, if you want to view the report for Sales, otherwise select Purchases option and press ENTER.

Daybook - Press * to select all the daybooks, otherwise for selected daybooks press SPACE BAR key and then press ENTER.

Group - Select all the groups one by one, from the list displayed, by which you want to view the Report.

    1. Report will be displayed according to the selected criteria.

    1. For printing the report, press F7 key. Once done, press ESC key.

    1. In 'Want to Quit?', select YES option and press ENTER.