User Rights Report

To view User Rights Report in Radix, first select the desired company.

1. Go to Reports > Other Reports > Admin Reports > User Rights.

2. User Rights Report Criteria form will open. Select details from here:

Companies - Press F4 button and select the companies for which you want to view the report.

Company Group - To print Company Detail and Address from group, tick here.

Group Code - To view report for all the group codes, select All option, otherwise to view report for any particular group, select Equal To option and then select the group code.

Please Note: To set all these criteria for future, you can tick on Save Criteria option. 

3. After entering all the details, click on Show button. Report will open according to the selected criteria.

4. Here, you can click on Customize button to Customize the Report.

5. You can also print the report by clicking on Print icon on the top left corner of the page or press CTRL+P shortcut key.

Related Topics:

1. Open Company