Here are the steps to Merge/Change Masters. To learn more, you can also watch this RADIX Online tutorial video:

Merge/Change Masters

To Merge/Change Masters in Radix, first go to the Company Menu.

1. Go to Utilities > Update Bulk Entries > Merge/Change Masters.

2. Merge/Change Masters form will open. Enter details here such as:

Master Entry - Select the masters to be merged/changed from the list of options displayed.

From Code - Press F4 button and select the master you want to merge/change.

Delete From-Code after Merging - Tick this option, if you want to delete From-Code Master, once merge/change is done.

Merge Opening Balance - Tick this option, if you want to merge Opening Balance as well, otherwise leave blank and proceed.

To Code - Press F4 button and select the master in which you want to merge the From-Code Master.

3. After entering all the details, click on Merge/Change button.

4. When Radix prompts 'Are you sure to perform merging these two codes into one?', click on Yes button.

5. Masters will be merged/changed. Click on Close button.

Related Topics:

1. Open Company