Here are the steps for LR Entry. To learn more, you can also watch this RADIX Online tutorial video:

LR Entry

For LR Entry in Radix, first select the desired company.

1. Go to Transactions > Sales > LR Entry.

2. LR Entry form will open. Set details here such as: 

Daybook - Press F4 button and select the daybook from the list of daybooks displayed, in which you want to do LR Entry.

Date From To - Set the date here for which you want to view the invoices.

Account - Select All option here if you want to view the invoices for all the accounts, otherwise you can also select a particular account.

Bill No. From To - Set the Bill No. here for which you want to view the invoices.

Transports - Select All option here if you want to view the invoices for all the transports, otherwise you can also select a particular transport. 

LR Status - To view all the invoices in which LR Number has not been entered, select Pending option. To view invoices in which LR Number has been already entered, select Clear option. Otherwise, select All option to view both the type of invoices.

Blank Broker Only? - Tick here, to view list of only those invoices in which broker details are not entered.

3. After entering all the details, click on Load Data button. List of invoices will be displayed according to the selected criteria.

4. Here, you can enter fields such as LR No., LR Date, Transport, City, Weight, Freight, etc.

5. To edit any details in the invoice, double-click on that invoice and you can now edit the details of the invoice as well.


6. Once done updating all the invoices, you can also print this by clicking on Print Invoice button.

7. To send SMS to any Party, select the invoice and click on Send SMS button. For this option, you need to do SMS Settings in the software. 

8. Similarly, to send an e-Mail to any Party, select the invoice and click on Send Email button. For this option, you need to do e-Mail Settings in the software. 

9. Once done, click on Close button. LR Entry will be done.

Related Topics:

1. Sales Invoice with GST & Invoice Printing

2. Create Account

3. Create Item

4. Create Daybooks