Here are the steps to Delete Account. To learn more, you can also watch this RADIX Online tutorial video:

To delete an Account in Radix,

1. After logging in to the Company Main menu, Go to Masters > Accounts > Accounts OR press Ctrl+1 shortcut key OR click on 1 Accounts button.

2. Accounts entry form will open. In Name, press F4 button and select the name of the account you want to delete and click on Open button OR press Enter                 key.

3. Selected account will open. Now, click on Delete button.

4. When RADIX prompts, 'Are you sure want to delete entry?', click on Yes button.

5. Now, there can be 2 possibilities-

       a. If there are no transactions related to this account in any day-book, then on clicking Yes button, your account will get deleted.

b. If RADIX prompts, 'Cannot Delete this Record', click on OK button. In this case, first you will have to delete all the transactions related to this account from all the day-books. After deleting all the transactions of this account, start again with steps mentioned above and now you can delete this account.

Related Topics:

1. Create Account

2. Modify Account