Here are the steps to Change Tax in Item. To learn more, you can also watch this RADIX Online tutorial video:

To Change Tax percentage in an item in Radix,

    1. After logging in to the Company Main menu,  Go to Masters > Items > HSN/SAC Master.
    2. HSN/SAC Master entry form will open.
      • As shown in the video, Here, we already have a HSN (8418) with tax 28%.
      • Suppose, we want to change tax from 28% to 18% for an item with HSN code 8418, then in Code, we will enter new HSN code as 8418 18%
      • In Tax Group, press F4 button and select the Tax group (Tax18P here) from the list displayed.
      • We will keep HSN Code field same (i.e. 8418) for both the HSN codes. (viz. 8418 and 8418 18%)
    1. Go to 2. Advanced section and enter Apply Date and then click on Save button.

Now, we have 2 HSN with same name but different tax group:

        • HSN 1 – 8418, Tax 28%, Date 01/07/2017.
        • HSN 2 – 8418 18%, Tax 18%, Date 27/07/2018.

For all the invoices dated before 27/07/2018, HSN 1 will apply and for all the invoices dated starting from 27/07/2018, HSN 2 will apply.

    1. In case of a new item, click on New button and Create Item.
    2. In case of new HSN/SAC, click on New button and Create HSN/SAC.
    3. This is how you can Change Tax in Item.

Related Topics:

1. Create HSN/SAC

2. Create Item