1. How to view Small-Multiple Outstanding Report?

      • Go to Other Reports > Outstanding > Small-Multi and press Enter key.
      • To select or de-select the company/ multiple companies, press Space-bar key & press Enter key after selecting desired companies.

Brokerage Statement

Report of

Debtors: To view outstanding report of debtors

Creditors: To view Outstanding report of Creditors

Group Code

Enter Group Code


Enter SubGroup Code


Due Only: To includes bills that are due in report

All: To include all bills in report


All: To include all parties in report

Selected: To include only selected parties in report


All: To include all brokers in report

Selected: To include only selected brokers in report

Broker From

Transaction: To trace broker from reports based on all transactions

Master: To trace broker defined under Account

Delivery Cd:

All: To include all delivery codes in report

Selected: To include only selected delivery codes in report


Mention Col-Row code

Party O.S.>

Enter the amount for which Outstanding amount for party is greater than entered amount

Bill O.S.Amt >

Enter the amount for which Outstanding amount for bill is greater than entered amount

Party O.S.<

Enter the amount for which Outstanding amount for party is lesser than entered amount

Bill O.S.Amt <

Enter the amount for which Outstanding amount for bill is lesser than entered amount


Enter name of City


All: To include all Haste in report

Selected: To include only selected Haste in report


1: To display Bill No.in the report

2: To display Amount in the report

3: To display Bill no. & Amount both in the report

      • Specify other criteria as per requirement, press Enter key.
      • Select Printing options & press Enter Key to view report.