Here are the steps to view Audit Report Purchases. To learn more, you can also watch this RELY Online tutorial video:


Audit Report Purchases

For Purchases Greater than Rs. Report in Rely, first select the desired company.

1. Go to Reports > MIS Reports > Greater than Rs. > Purchases and press Enter key.

2. Enter details such as:

       Daybook - Select the daybook from the list of daybooks displayed, by pressing Space-Bar key.        

       Purchases Amount > Rs. - Enter the amount here.

       Period - Select the date range here.

       Broker - Enter the name of the broker here, for which you want to view the report, otherwise leave blank to view report for all the brokers.


3. Report will be displayed according to the selected criteria. To print the Report, press ESC key and select Print option.

Related Topics:

1. Audit Report Sales

2. Audit Report Cash

3. Audit Report Loans