How to view total inventory in selected companies?

      1. Go to Other Reports > Multi Co. Reports > Inventory > Normal and press Enter key.
      2. A list of companies will appear, press "Del" key to De-select particular company or companies.
      3. Press Enter key to proceed further.


Enter time period between which you want to view report


Enter Group Code, or leave blank to view report for all Groups

Sub Group

Enter Sub Group Code, or leave blank to view report for all Sub Groups


Enter Item Code, or leave blank to view report for all Items

Only Balance

Y: To view accounts with balance only

N: To view all accounts with balance & without balance

Summary wise


Only Qly

To view Item wise & company wise summary

To view summary only quality wise



To view monthly summary report

To view summary report for mentioned time period

      1. Enter as many criteria as you want, press Enter Key.