Here are the steps to do GSTR2 Reconciliation. To learn more, you can also watch this RELY Online tutorial video:

GSTR2 Reconciliation

For GSTR2 Reconciliation Report in Rely, first select the desired company.

1. Go to Transaction > GST Entry > GSTR-2 Reconciliation and press Enter key.

2. GSTR2 Reconciliation form will open. In Enter GSTR - 2A/2B File Path, press Enter or F4 key to select the GSTR2A JSON file or GSTR2B Excel file for reconciliation. Multiple JSON files or Excel files can also be selected here.

3. In Match Records difference up-to 0.99? - Enter Y here, if you want to have Normal rounding method for Amounts, otherwise enter N and press Enter key.

4. Press F10 key and filter entries you want to view from the following categories.

M - Matched

       N - Not Matched/Mis-Match

       S - Settled

5. List of invoices/records will be displayed, press Enter key on the invoice you want to edit. Selected invoice will open, do all the required changes and save.

6. For all the records with status 'N', 'Remarks' in Red line will appear at the bottom of the screen in which all the mis-matched fields will be displayed. Here, first value will be of the software and second value will be from the JSON/Excel file.

7. To manually settle any record, enter 'S' in Status for that invoice. To settle multiple records at once, press F11 key.

8. You can change Bill Number directly for any record, by pressing Ctrl-Enter shortcut key on that record.

9. To print entries, press F7 key. Suppose, you want to print all Mis-matched entries, then you can first filter mis-matched entries, by pressing F10 key and then print them, by pressing F7 key.

10. Once all the records are corrected and Status is shown as Matched, then GSTR2 Reconciliation will be complete. Once done, press ESC key.

11. When Rely prompts, 'Would you like to save status of Matching/Settled Records?', select Yes option and press Enter key. Status will be saved for all the corrected records and your GSTR2 Reconciliation will be done.

Related Topics:

1. Open Company