Here are the steps to view Multi Company Brokerage Statement Report. To learn more, you can also watch this RELY Online tutorial video:

Multi Company Brokerage Statement Report

To view Multi Company Brokerage Statement Report in Rely, first select the desired company.

1. Go to Other Reports > Multi Co. Reports > Brokerage Statement > Default and press Enter key.

2. Enter details such as:

       Period - Enter the period between which you want to view the report.

       Group Code - Select from Debtors or Creditors for which you want to view the report.

Type - To calculate brokerage only on the invoices made during the above selected period, select On Invoice Period option. To calculate brokerage on all the cleared invoices of the selected period, then select On Receipt Period option and press Enter key.

Company - To view report for all the companies, select All option, otherwise select Selected option and then select the company from the list displayed by pressing Space-bar key.

Day-book - To view report for all the day-books, select All option, otherwise select Selected option and then select the day-book from the list displayed by pressing Space-bar key.

Account - To view report for all the accounts, select All option, otherwise select Selected option and then select the account from the list displayed by pressing Space-bar key.

Broker Group - To view report for all the broker groups, select All option, otherwise select Selected option and then select the broker group from the list displayed by pressing Space-bar key.

Broker - To view report for all the brokers, select All option, otherwise select Selected option and then select the broker from the list displayed by pressing Space-bar key.

Broker From - To view report of broker entered during transaction, select Transactions option. To view report of broker entered in party masters, select Account Master option and press Enter key.

Rate From - To calculate brokerage based on the rate percentage entered in broker account, select Broker Account option. Otherwise, select Specify Here option and then enter the percentage in Rate % field.

Rate (%) - Enter brokerage rate (%) here, to calculate the brokerage.

Brokerage - To view report of invoices for which brokerage is paid, select Paid option. To view report of invoices for which brokerage is not paid, select Unpaid option. Select All option to view report for all the invoices.

Print Brokerage paid Remarks?- To Print Brokerage paid Remarks report on new page, enter Y.

Invoices - To view report of outstanding invoices, select Pending option. To view report of cleared invoices, select Clear option. Select All option to view report for all the invoices.

       Exclude Blank Broker - Enter Y here, to view report of invoices in which broker is entered.

       Include GST - Enter Y here, to calculate the brokerage after including GST.

       Previous Year Invoices only? - Enter Y here, to calculate the brokerage on previous year invoices only.

       New Page - To print broker-wise report on new page, enter Y.

Print Receive Date - To print receive date in report, enter Y.

Print Party Address? - To print party address in report, enter Y.

Wise:  Broker Party Wise  Detail - Select this option to print Broker Party Wise Detail report

          Broker Party Wise Summary - Select this option to print Broker Party Wise Summary report

          Broker Wise Summary - Select this option to print Broker Wise Summary report

Once all the details are entered/selected, press Enter key.

3. In Device: To only view the report, select Screen option.

To view and print the report, select File option.

To directly print the report without viewing, select Printer option.

To exit from here, select Exit option.

4. Report will be generated according to the selected criteria. To print the report, press ESC key and select Print option.

5. To view the report in any other format such as word, Excel, etc; select Send To option and press Enter key and then select the format.

6. To exit, press ESC key.

Related Topics:

1. Open Company